One week later...

Our Friday's are becoming a bit of a dive into the yellow submarine, eh?

Mom was much more clear-headed yesterday, according to Patsy. The docs came in during the afternoon and discussed dismissing mums, but we're all shying away from that until she can walk and get out of bed on her own. We're thinking she'll be in for a few more days.

The water weight is slowly coming off and there were no other major concerns yesterday afternoon. Her bile drainage bag will remain attached to her for a few weeks until her body naturally seals the pathway off.

We'll keep chugging down the yellow today as she continues this rigorous recovery effort. Both mom and Patsy need our support, because it's not easy being the cheese that holds the grilled sandwich together.

They are the priceless P and P's, after all. :)


  1. Good Morning Priceless P and P,
    What a week it has been for you Paulette, and your family.(You've come a long way lady.
    We all live in God's Lifeboat and the paddling somedays is very unpredictabel.Paddling Paulette, and Patsy may today's paddling from here on out just get easyer.(That may be three p's instead of two.).But however many p's I pray for better days to come your way.My heart and my prayers are with you today and everyday. Love to you both. Peg


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