Nothing wrong with yellow good luck

Yellow yourselves up today for momma and all the other cancer patients in your family.

I'm excited to see mums later today and hoping for no tornadic encounters on my drive from Denver.


  1. Paulette,Taryn and Greg,
    Safe travel for you Taryn and no storms am hoping..Hoping your time here this weekend is only great.Too find your Mom stronger and getting back to her old self and soon.Enjoy each other today and everyday.BE SAFE..Peg

  2. Paulette,
    Glad you are back home. Hope your are healing well and that you are infection free. I'm sure Patsy has been taking good care of you. Stay inside today, it is still suppose to be close to 100. Hope you are getting lots of rest and relaxation. Hope Taryn has a safe trip to and from Kansas. Hope you and your family has a good time this weekend. Still keeping you in our prayers.


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