
In The Secret Agent, Joseph Conrad states that "Protection is the first necessity of opulence and luxury."

How true. Funnily enough, protection is really turning out to be our secret agent. It's our first necessity of basic human needs, but bleeding into all dimensions of our lives--physical, mental, spiritual--all of our energies. Forget opulence and luxury! When she is better, perhaps we'll fondle those two notions on a beach in Italy or the south of France.

As dad said in yesterday's comments, it was a long day for them on Tuesday. The enormity is setting in. Transplants are really scary. It's getting more scary by the day. Mom has to be super healthy to battle any infections, etc. Protection is a must for mummy in so many ways.

Today we should get a final approval from the transplant board. Mom and dad are spending some time this morning in transplant education classes, talking with a social worker, learning about how costly this endeavor will be, and finally ending with surgeon consults.

Wear your yellow today, peeps!


  1. Good Morning Paulette and Greg,

    All is well this day. We do not know the doors or windows that may open today, but we do know that God is in control. He lets the sunshine into our lives. He hears our prayers. The news we have been waiting for is just hours away. I pray that our Lord's Grace and Blessing will pour out upon you today. Envelope you in it's soothing, comforting, all-encompassing love. That you will feel His healing strength and loving arms firmly around you. He loves you so much.

    I love you. Jerry loves you. Soooo many do. Let all of this love be your very own private fluffy cloud of peace and tranquility today.



  2. Good Morning, Paulette and Greg.

    "If you could see me now!" Yes, I am wearing yellow today complete with bright yellow crocs. Last week and this week both Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my yellow days to support you, Paulette. Let's hear it for yellow!

    So here are some ideas for a totally yellow happening:
    Favorite Song #1: My Yellow Submarine
    Favorite Vegetable: Corn on the cob
    Favorite Song #2: Mellow Yellow
    Favorite Bread: Poppy seed bread
    Favorite Song #3: Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini(generous pause to picture that!)
    Favorite Toast Spread: butter
    Favorite Song #4: You Are My Sunshine
    Favorite Color: Yellow [DUH!]
    Favorite Dessert: Lemon Meringue Pie
    Favorite Song #5: Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree
    Favorite Pet Peeve: Yellow Teeth
    Favorite Song #6: The Yellow Rose of Texas
    Favorite Condiment: Mustard
    Favorite Song #7: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
    Favorite Fruit: Lemon
    Favorite Song #8: My Yellow Suede Shoes (so okay already, it didn't catch on like that other suede shoe song!)
    Favorite Pastime: Reading the yellow pages
    Favorite Saying: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"
    Favorite Bird: Yellow-bellied sapsucker
    Favorite Tree: Yellow birch
    Favorite Vacation Spot: Yellowstone National Park
    Favorite Drink: Lemonade
    Favorite Book: The Yellow Fairy Book - by Andrew Lang, Henry Justice Ford
    Favorite public transportion: Yellow Cab
    Favorite Short Story: "Barn Burner" by William Faulkner ... oh, wait a dern second, back to the theme ... Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Yellow Wallpaper," first published 1899
    Favorite Flying Insect: Bee
    Favorite Advice from Mom: "Don't eat the yellow snow"
    Favorite Pet: Yellow Canary
    ** Perhaps enough already, huh!!??

    I am praying for you today, Paulette. Yes, God is protecting you, preparing you, and putting you in the right place at the right time for the right results.

    Today's Joke: How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.

    Encouraging Words: When we can't trace God's hand, we must trust His heart.

    Paulette, you are under the covering of God's powerful wings of refuge today. Bask in the cool shade of His love and the warm peace of His grace. He is strengthening your body to receive the transplant.

    Caring about you,

  3. Paulette & Greg,
    Know this week has already been long waiting to hear a great report from the doctor about your transplant. They are just trying to get you the best one and they are looking high and low.
    We are praying for you and your time away from everyone. Just know that God is looking out for you and holding you in his strong hands to help you be courageous as you wait for the news. Thankfully we can rely on God as our protector.
    We will continue to pray for the news to be good and that you continue to gain strength.
    Take care and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

  4. Hi Paulette and Greg.
    Wearing Yellow,Hoping transplant,Wishing you much,much, protection. Am sorry for your long days and so much information that it is exhausting too you both.But the great reward God has for you is getting heathly and it will be worth everything your going though.Stay strong and continue to take good care of yourself we are with you all the way.With all my heart and prayers. Peg

  5. Hi Paulette,

    Just a little thrifting news.... I scored big on *YeLlOw* today! Jerry now has a new golf shirt to wear in your honor :>) And just so you know that someone is taking care of the night shift, I found two cute yellow pj's :>)

    God bless your afternoon!


  6. Greg and Paulette,
    I hope all went well with the meeting with the team today. I know it can be overwhelming, just try to focus on the big picture. Remember to make notes of questions you want to ask. Keep a note pad by your bed. I'm sure most of those questions pop in your head right before you are supposed to drift off. I hope this finds you well and keeping your weight and thoughts healthy. Remember my offer!! You are constantly in our prayers and thoughts.
    The Benysheks


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